
时间管理 2017-03-25 点击:

    Study plan form template   应届毕业生学习网为各位送上一份学习计划模板   Graduating student learning network to send a study plan template   一、价值意义这属于意识形态上的问题,即:为什么要制定学习计划?有无学习计划对大学生的人生发展会有什么影响?第一个问题的答案是:为了实现自身的人生价值--具有广泛意义的人生理想目标。无论古今中外,对于人生有一个共同的度量标准:时间!任何人的人生都是可以用分分秒秒的时间来计算的,这对于每一个人来说都是绝对公平的,而且具有不可回溯的特性。所以有人讲,人生最大的资本是时间,人生最短缺的资源也是时间。   A value, which belongs to the ideological problems, namely: Why study plan? There is no learning plan will have little effect on the students' development in life? The answer to the first question is: in order to realize the value of life itself, life ideal goal -- to have broad significance. No matter at all times and in all countries, there is a common metric for life: time! Any person's life can be computed in every second of time, for each individual is absolutely fair, but also has the characteristics of no backtracking. So some people say, life is the biggest capital time, the shortage of resources is also a life time.   二、学习计划的设计要点就是要解决好计划项与时间分配的问题。计划项是指我们需要时间耗费的学习、生活的内容确定与划分,可以概括为课业学习、课外阅读、课外活动和生活杂务等四项内容。课业是支撑未来人生职业发展最基本的基础性知识、技能体系,由一系列的课程所组成。课业学习是国家对大学生硬性规定的学习任务,有专业课与公共课之分,必修课与选修课之别。尽管课程的性质不同,对大学生的学习要求也有所不同,但课业学习是有规律可循的,即各门课程的学习均包括预习、听课、复习、练习和考试五个环节,学习计划设计的基本要求就是,要根据学习的进度,对每门课程的每个学习环节做出适合于自己的具体的时间分配,不得有遗漏。否则,就必然会出现一系列影响课业学习成效的问题,如偏科、学习效率低下、学习成绩不理想甚至不及格等等课外阅读是现代高等院校重要的教育手段与途径,是知识经济时代基本的学习形式之一,在我们的素质养成过程中与课业学习具有同等重要的积极作用,对于掌握科学的学习方法,养成终生学习的良好习惯而言,其意义更大。课外阅读的计划项范围包括:专业核心读物、专业相关读物、新兴学科读物、兴趣爱好读物及完善知识、技能结构的其他学科读物等。阅读有一个“量”的问题,即读多少为好?理论上讲是开卷有益、多多益善。但受时间的限制,所以不可能是无限量的。我觉得每学期至少要精读40本书,即平均每周要读两本书,寒暑假要按一个学期的阅读量安排阅读计划,其中不包括报刊杂志的阅读量。   Two, learning design plan is to solve the plan and the time allocation problem. Plan is that we need the time spent learning, life content determination and division, can be summarized as academic, extracurricular reading, extracurricular activities and chores and other four items. Work is to support future occupation development life most basic knowledge, skill system, composed of a series of courses. Learning is a national mandatory on College Students' learning tasks, professional courses and public courses, compulsory courses and elective courses not. Despite the different nature of curriculum, students learning requirements are also different, but learning is to follow the law, namely, the course includes lectures, preview, review, practice and examination of five links, learning the basic requirements of program design is, according to the progress of the study, each link for each course to make suitable for specific time allocation of their own, shall not be missed. Otherwise, it will appear a series of effects of academic learning problems, such as partial section, low learning efficiency, learning achievement is not ideal, even fail, the extracurricular reading is an important way of modern means of education and higher education, is one of the basic forms of learning in the era of knowledge economy, which has important positive effect and learning to develop our quality, to master scientific learning methods, to develop a good habit of lifelong learning, the greater significance. Extracurricular reading plan include: professional core books, professional books, new subject books, hobbies reading and improve other discipline knowledge, reading skills structure. Reading is a " quantity" problem, namely how to read? The theory is open, the more, the better. But limited by time, so can not be unlimited. I think each semester at least reading 40 books, namely the average every week to read two books, cold summer vacation according to the amount of reading a semester schedule reading, reading quantity which does not include newspapers and magazines.




